Replacing Anxiety With Peace and Purpose [Video]

Replacing Anxiety With Peace and Purpose [Video]

Anxiety is on the rise. It may be tempting to ignore this feeling or push it away. But what if instead of a curse, we viewed anxiety as a call to action—a catalyst to pause and pay attention to God?


A Holy Reset for Our Lives

A Holy Reset for Our Lives

May we seize this moment when much of the traffic of our lives has ceased as a holy reset, turning our gaze away from the press of our own lives to the bigger picture of what is unfolding.


A Holy Listening Connection Kit for You and Your Children [Video]

A Holy Listening Connection Kit for You and Your Children [Video]

Children are experiencing many feelings and fears right now. Here are a few ways to make space for the kids in your life to connect with you and with God.


Remember That You Are Dust: Giving Thanks for the Church

Remember That You Are Dust: Giving Thanks for the Church

In the reality of life shared with fellow disciples—the reverence of worship, the intimacy of prayer, the messy necessity of repentance and forgiveness—we glimpse the beauty of God’s plan for the Body of Christ.


Spiritual Authority 101: What It Is and Why It Matters [Video]

Spiritual Authority 101: What It Is and Why It Matters [Video]

Spiritual authority doesn’t have to be a weird or scary thing. Here are some helpful foundations for understanding the position of power God has given all of his children.


Finding a Guide for Your Spiritual Growth

Finding a Guide for Your Spiritual Growth

There are several benefits to having a spiritual companion, director, or “trail guide” in your walk with Jesus. Here are some of the most compelling reasons—and how to find your own.


Searching for Signs: Living a Life That Is Attentive to the Spirit

Searching for Signs: Living a Life That Is Attentive to the Spirit

God’s given us many clues for sensing his presence and following his lead—if we will just pay attention.


My Voice or God's? A Question of Discernment

My Voice or God's? A Question of Discernment

How can we discern whether something we heard in prayer is God or just us? How do we respond to what we hear anyway? Here’s some guidance for sorting it all out.


Laughing in the Dark: Celebration as an Act of Defiance

Laughing in the Dark: Celebration as an Act of Defiance

Why celebrate in the midst of so much hardship and brokenness in the world? Because there’s something bigger going on…


Come and See: Discovering the Kingdom of God in Unexpected Places

Come and See: Discovering the Kingdom of God in Unexpected Places

“God sightings” is a spiritual practice that helps us notice God’s presence in the most challenging or unlikely places.


Formed and Equipped: How God Prepares Us for Kingdom Work

Formed and Equipped: How God Prepares Us for Kingdom Work

Far from being at odds with Kingdom action, contemplative practices—which encourage us simply to rest with and in God—are tools God uses to shape us for the Kingdom work he calls us to.
