Stories from the field

If you have a story, you’ve come to the right place! Let’s celebrate God’s work in and through your team.


Novo works creatively to multiply gospel movements around the globe. Our leaders go, serve, equip, mobilize, and collaborate with others until the good news of Jesus is heard by everyone. We look for innovative ways to partner with God wherever he is making people new.

This dedicated Novo Staff page is a space for gathering and celebrating testimonies. Provided below are two methods for sharing your story with the Novo family.

WhatsApp Message

Using this QR code you can directly share your story with our team in a WhatsApp voice or text message.

Google Form

By clicking the button below you can tell us your story and share any related pictures or videos with our team.


thank you for taking the time to share your story! We love to celebrate all the ways our staff are witnessing the movement of god around the world.


Recent Staff Stories