From “A Little Ordinary” to Extraordinary in Prayer

Jonné was a young, married, mom of small kids and a labor and delivery nurse. “I lived in community and led multiple Bible Studies,” she said. “I loved Jesus with all my heart. But my life with Jesus felt a little ordinary and my prayer walk was kind of boring. I knew there was so much more.”

Joining a Novo Activating Prayer Cohort (formerly the Spiritual Authority Cohort) changed all of that. She got a vision to reach “her patch”—her home, hospital, and children’s school—and began taking steps to pray and engage with people in new ways in those spheres. 

What the Lord began to unfold around her was truly extraordinary, and ushered her into an adventure with God in her daily life.

Listen as Jonné shares those stories with college students during a missions conference at Biola University:

Take Action

Feeling inspired? What Kingdom assignments might Jesus have for you, right where you’re at? Are you ready to say yes to the Lord’s voice, like Jonné?

Why not pause to pray through these points:

  • What are some of your spheres of influence, your “patch”?

  • Is God highlighting one of those patches, or bringing specific people to mind?

  • Ask, “God, what Kingdom assignment do you have for me in that patch? How can I bring your Kingdom there?”

Ready to go deeper? One way to do that is to sign up for Novo’s Activating Prayer Cohort, a free, 6-session, interactive journey with God in prayer. You can learn more about it here.


Jonné Rasmussen has been a labor and delivery nurse for 20 years and has a deep desire to see the spiritual atmosphere change in her hospital. She has a heart for discipling women and seeing people live freely in community. She has two teenagers at home and spends her time raising them into believers who know their true identity and the authority they have been given in Jesus. Her involvement with Novo started with the Activating Prayer Cohort five years ago and has evolved into becoming a lifetime practitioner. She has led cohorts, taught on priestly prayer, and currently facilitates inner healing meetings. She is married to Ryan and lives in San Juan Capistrano.