Going Deeper WITH THE COHOrts

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When people finish the Cohort, they often ask us, “What’s next?”

Well, we’ve come up with 4 ways that you can go deeper with the Spiritual Authority Cohorts by investing your Time, Talent, Treasure, or joining the Team. Check them out, and let us know which ones you feel the Holy Spirit is calling you by clicking the "I'm interested!" button below.

  1. The Movement Pathway:
    Join our next Cohort focused on Disciple Making called The Movement Pathway. This 7 week training builds on your spiritual authority and helps you focus on who God has placed around you with more tools to engage people around you. To register and see when our next trainings begin click here!

  2. Getting Involved with the Next Round of Cohorts

    • Participate and invite friends to join me: Novo will be offering another round of Cohorts in the Fall and we’d love those of you interested in going through the Cohorts again to consider inviting your friends and family to experience it with you.

    • Help Serve: If you’re considering doing the Cohort again, we’d like you to consider helping serve. Volunteers can help with things like being a Huddle or site leader, facilitating meetings, helping with technology, or joining on the prayer team.

    • Advocate: We’d love your help getting the word out to churches and other groups that you’re a part of.

  3. Paying it forward

    In the last few years, we’ve gone from one Cohort at the Novo office to over 7000 graduates from 42 states and 54 countries. We want to give you the opportunity to “pay it forward” and invest in equipping and activating the body of Christ through this training.

    To keep up with all that God is doing and to build capacity for even more, it will take about $100 per person to cover our costs. That works out to about $1,000 per Huddle based on 10 people, or an average of $10,000 per city.

    We would love to see all of next year’s Cohorts underwritten by previous Cohort participants. After you have experienced this Cohort over the last 6 months, would you consider making it possible for many others to be equipped and empowered as well? Click here to make a monthly or one-time gift: https://www.novo.org/give-sacohorts

We’d love to hear from you about your Cohort experience this year as well as your interest in any of these opportunities. Please click the “I’m interested!” button below. It will take you to a short form where you can give us feedback and indicate how you want to Go Deeper with the Cohorts. Thanks for considering these opportunities!