Disciple-Making Cohort

Formerly The Movement Pathway

Are you ready to be a local disciple-maker who jumps in wholeheartedly to pursue the mission of God? The Disciple-Making Cohort will help you gain a vision for gospel movements and discover your identity as a disciple-maker.


The Disciple-Making Cohort is a seven-module experiential cohort to encourage and empower you and others to better connect with unreached pockets of people, especially in your local context, share the gospel, and make new disciples. Click here for a more detailed overview of the seven modules.

What’s Involved?

Each of the seven modules includes a small amount of preparation work, followed by a Cohort Gathering (virtual or in-person) facilitated by a trained Cohort Facilitator. In each Cohort Gathering, you will interact and collaborate with others about what you are learning, then create an “I will” statement to put into practice what you learned.

Read more information about the what and the why of this training here: Disciple-Making Cohort for Disciple-Makers Worldwide


This Disciple-Making Cohort experience is most effective as a team or group engaging with it together, but if you don’t yet have a team, we welcome you to join a virtual group (see below). Your cohort will go through all seven modules, and all who commit to living as disciple-makers will be invited into Coaching Circles to receive further support and resources for breakthrough in their missional spaces.

2024 VIrtual Groups

MONDAYS: Sept 9 - Nov 4

WHEN: 12-1:30 p.m. Pacific
[Register for the Monday Sept-Nov Call]

you’re invited

If you desire to spread the good news of Jesus in your neighborhood and networks and/or learn how to support those doing so directly, indicate your interest with the form below. We encourage you to also pray for names of people you could invite to join your cohort!