GET YOUR FREE EBOOK - why God Speaks

An Exciting Journey of Friendship With God Begins Now

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Have you ever longed for a more dynamic, exciting, relationship with God? One that's interactive and personal, just like it is with your friends? When you can ask God questions and get real-time feedback about your life and what God wants you to do? We believe it’s actually possible to live that way, because God wants to speak to us about these things, and invite us into a dynamic friendship and partnership with him.

Jesus said, “I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master’s business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you.” 

Our new FREE ebook, Why God Speaks, will show you exactly how to embark on the adventure of being God’s friend. You will learn five of the big reasons God speaks to each of us—friendship and intimacy, insights about our lives and the lives of others, the joy of partnering in his mission, and the ability to glorify him through our lives. 

What you’ll get:

  • Real Life Stories and Biblical Examples

  • Discernment Tips for Recognizing God’s Voice

  • Approachable Exercises to Put What You’re Learning Into Action

  • Practical Ways to Partner With God in Reaching and Blessing Others

  • A Richer Relationship With God

“When I learned how to listen to God, my story got a lot more interesting. Through listening, I recognized how God had been speaking to me my whole life. It was very surprising!” –Tim Shuck

This ebook was created for you to experiment, meet with God personally, and feel more confident in what you hear and experience—so that you are ready to follow God’s promptings and partner with his mission in the world. There’s no failure, just an invitation to practice hearing from God and letting him lead you on a dynamic, interactive adventure. Are you in?

Note: If you’re having issues receiving the ebook, please email us at