Novo: Make New Values — Novo


Novo is a band of creative missionaries—determined, innovative, and responsive to the leading of the Spirit.

As part of Novo, we are…


We are disciples—deeply committed to knowing and following Jesus. We pursue intimacy with Jesus as our most important work and the foundation of all we do. We dedicate ourselves to the ongoing work of spiritual formation as we are each renewed in his image. We listen to the Holy Spirit for wisdom, strategy, and direction. We follow Jesus wherever he leads and join in his mission—the redemption of people everywhere.


We are creatives—visionaries, communicators, artists, and entrepreneurs. We look for opportunities to partner with God through innovative strategies and creative ventures. We launch new efforts to accomplish God’s mission when traditional models and methods fall short. We believe creativity is critical to sparking and sustaining the gospel movements we long to see.

Fire Starters

We are fire-starters—multiplying our impact by equipping and empowering others. We envision movements of God that extend far beyond what we can accomplish alone. We find and equip men and women who will make this vision possible and empower them to go. We mobilize those Jesus has called—sparking wildfires of kingdom transformation across the globe.

Risk Takers

We are risk-takers—rising to new challenges, willing to lay our lives on the line for the cause of Christ. We embrace the call to hard places, following Jesus to those overlooked, oppressed, and unseen. We traverse cultural, linguistic, and geographic boundaries to be with anyone in need of good news, even when the cost is great.


We share the best we have to multiply gospel movements. We freely give to the body of Christ all we are learning in order to extend God’s redemptive work in the world, and we partner with others of common purpose to accomplish this goal together.

Ultimately, we believe nothing is as important as reaching the nations with the good news of Jesus.

Do you identify with these values in your own life? We would love to help you discern God’s leading and the potential of partnering with us in ministry.