Syria +Turkey earthquake relief

When the devastating earthquakes hit Syria and Turkey in February, Novo staff in the region jumped into action with whatever they had to begin caring for the hundreds of  families that have lost everything – their homes, friends, livelihoods, and those living in tents or out of their cars.

Since then, our teams have ministered to over 200 families, but the need is overwhelming. We can do so much more. With your help, we have the opportunity to provide a larger shipment of supplies to support 2,000 families in Syria and Turkey with small grills for cooking, hygiene kits, shoes, jackets, and undergarments (adults and children)

It will take $67,250 to equip NEO staff with the resources to continue caring for many affected by this tragedy as well as increase capacity to care for those additional 2,000 families. Would you prayerfully consider partnering with us in this effort to help and minister to those in Syria and Turkey dealing with so much loss?

Novo (formerly Church Resource Ministries /CRM) is a registered 501(c)3 non-profit organization based in California.

We are a member of the ECFA (Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability), which provides accreditation to leading Christian non-profit organizations that demonstrate compliance with established standards.

Subject to IRS rules regarding non-profit organizations, contributions are made with the understanding that Novo and its Board of Directors has complete control and administration over all donated funds

Novo Mission Inc.
1240 N. Lakeview Ave. Suite #120
Anaheim, California 92807, USA
