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“You will be my witnesses,” Jesus told his disciples (Acts 1:8). Witness isn’t just something we do; a witness is who we are—it’s part of our very identity as believers. So why does it feel so awkward to share about Jesus with others? 

You may have had a poor example of someone who tried to talk about their faith, but left you feeling like they didn’t care. Or maybe your attempts at evangelism were driven by feelings of obligation or guilt. Whatever your past experience with evangelism has been, we want you to feel equipped to talk about your relationship with Jesus in a real, relatable way—just like the disciples did.

Our new ebook, Sharing Good News, is a practical guide that every believer can follow. We developed this resource because we want believers like you to feel like talking about Jesus is actually easy!

You will get:

  • Relatable examples from people who’ve been there

  • Thoughtful exercises to help you get started

  • Practical steps to get you talking about your faith

  • The joyful blessing of sharing really good news

This ebook is designed to provide a natural approach to spiritual conversations—You can take your time working through the exercises or even work through them all at once. There’s no failure here, just an affirmation that talking about Jesus is good news, and a priceless treasure to the world around you.

“This booklet is not about going door-to-door or handing out gospel tracts…it's about truly knowing what the good news is and how to have meaningful conversations about it. It’s about being real, and being a really good friend.”