Sending Latino Missionaries to Central Asia



In the mountainous territory at the intersection of Asia, India, Russia, and the Middle East, there are 63 million people who speak the same language and share the same culture. While Anti-Western sentiment in the region makes it complicated for overseas missionaries to minister freely, there is a growing call within the church in Central and South America to reach these people with the gospel. We believe Latin Americans are uniquely prepared by God for such a task for several reasons: 

  • The Latin American Church is one of the fastest-growing missionary forces. 

  • Latin culture is similar in worldview which allows Latin missionaries to communicate and relate easily to Central Asian contexts. 

  • Political and economic realities in Latin American countries are similar to Central Asia and have uniquely equipped these missionaries to easily adapt.

Novo has partnered to develop a Latino sending agency called Reflejo. Reflejo builds awareness of the need for missionaries among the churches in its network. It finds, trains, and mobilizes new missionaries, supports their emotional and spiritual well-being as they prepare for deployment, provides for their language learning, and develops resources and knowledge that will be critical to their success on the ground.

How You Can Help

The work of Reflejo is just beginning and there are many stories yet to be written. As God calls new missionaries into this work, you can make it possible for them to respond and help lay a solid foundation for impact in this new venture. Your gift will help mobilize, train, send, and sustain Latin American missionaries as they introduce this unreached people group in Central Asia to the good news of Jesus.

Would you prayerfully consider a one-time gift to equip Reflejo to send many new missionaries to Central Asia?

Will you be a part of mobilizing the next wave of missionaries from Latin America?