Called to Reach Others, Part 2: The Power of Being “Naturally Supernatural”
Because of their commitment to prayer and listening to God, these fledgling churches became stronger during lockdown than they were before.
Nothing is as important as sharing the good news of Jesus. Expand your missiology and be equipped to make disciples who make disciples with these ideas and strategies.
generational blessingSpiritual AuthorityPrimesufferingfrom the presidentnovosupernaturalmovementsinspirationvideorelationships & familystaff storiesmission strategycultural transformationthe poordownloadprayer-walkingleadershippodcastcreativityfaith in lifeprimethe churchdiscovery bible studyministry impactresourcespersonal developmentspiritual formationprayerredemptioncallingnew groundliving on missionmissionary biographiesspiritual warfareworshipengaging cultureblessingPrayer
Topics: prayerliving on missionthe churchcallingstaff stories
Because of their commitment to prayer and listening to God, these fledgling churches became stronger during lockdown than they were before.
Topics: the churchstaff storiesnew groundliving on mission
When Adam and Andy set off to start an outward-focused church expression, they had no idea how much energy they’d first have to invest in deconstructing their Sunday-centric values to become truly missional.
Topics: the churchliving on missioninspirationmission strategy
What does it mean to be the Church, when the Church has left the building?
Topics: Primesupernaturalnew groundthe churchprayer
I heard the Holy Spirit saying, “Go to the bridge and pray and worship there.” Our little group went. And a place notorious for death became a place of encounter with God.
Topics: the churchblessingleadership
How can we intentionally bless the Church when facing the imperfections or the places we have been hurt? ChurchNEXT director Gary Mayes shows the way.
Topics: from the presidentleadershipnew groundthe church
Two structures of the Church are needed to fulfill the mission of God—sodalities and modalities. This Wild West analogy shows the unique purpose of each.
Topics: leadershipthe churchthe poorstaff stories
Mentoring builds God’s Kingdom far beyond the investment in that one person. It can impact whole communities.
Topics: the churchliving on mission
When the Kingdom of God becomes visible through the actions of a church, people outside the church start paying attention.
Topics: videomovementsministry impactthe poorthe churchnew ground
Evangelism and discipleship are really two sides to the same coin. Darren Prince shares compelling evidence of why they must go together.
Topics: living on missionmovementssupernaturalthe churchnew groundstaff stories
With Disciple Making Movement strategies, even a parking lot can become sacred ground. These four building blocks to effective evangelism are for everyone.
Topics: leadershippodcastthe churchministry impactpersonal development
What if you could sit down to coffee with a couple of people whose life work has been helping people, just like you, discover and pursue their unique life calling? Well, today, through our podcast on calling, you can do just that.