Make Love Your Goal: Intimacy That Leads to Spiritual Authority

Make Love Your Goal: Intimacy That Leads to Spiritual Authority

In God’s Kingdom, the greater our intimacy with the Lord, the greater our spiritual authority becomes.


Contemplation in the Streets

Contemplation in the Streets

What if recharging our spirits and staying connected to God wasn’t something we needed to do in solitude and retreat, but something we could do constantly no matter where we were or what was going on?


Where We Begin to Change the World: The Love of God

Where We Begin to Change the World: The Love of God

Mother Teresa launched a movement of compassion in a place with overwhelming need. Her life is still inspiring others to action, even years after her death. How did she do it? Here's where she began.


How to Stay in When It’s Hard: Making Disciples in Difficult Places

How to Stay in When It’s Hard: Making Disciples in Difficult Places

What is it that has kept Jim Bloom and his wife in ministry in a hard place for more than two decades, when it would have been easier to give up and leave? Jim shares four things that kept him from quitting.
