Cave, Table, Road: Spiritual Rhythms for Gospel Movements
This ancient spiritual life rhythm is making a come-back and pointing the way to a healthy, holistic, and impactful ministry.
Nothing is as important as sharing the good news of Jesus. Expand your missiology and be equipped to make disciples who make disciples with these ideas and strategies.
generational blessingSpiritual AuthorityPrimesufferingfrom the presidentnovosupernaturalmovementsinspirationvideorelationships & familystaff storiesmission strategycultural transformationthe poordownloadprayer-walkingleadershippodcastcreativityfaith in lifeprimethe churchdiscovery bible studyministry impactresourcespersonal developmentspiritual formationprayerredemptioncallingnew groundliving on missionmissionary biographiesspiritual warfareworshipengaging cultureblessingPrayer
Topics: living on missionmission strategy
This ancient spiritual life rhythm is making a come-back and pointing the way to a healthy, holistic, and impactful ministry.
Topics: living on missionnew grounddiscovery bible studymission strategy
Third spaces play a strategic role in reaching others with the good news. Here are some lessons our staff have learned about making a third space a missional space.
Topics: the churchliving on missioninspirationmission strategy
What does it mean to be the Church, when the Church has left the building?
Topics: spiritual formationmission strategy
In God’s Kingdom, the greater our intimacy with the Lord, the greater our spiritual authority becomes.
Topics: mission strategyrelationships & familyministry impact
Relationships are crucial to effective, transformative, enduring ministry and mission—because the Kingdom of God multiplies along relational lines.