The Fruit of Prayer in Heron's Nest
Once this team in western Colorado identified activating prayer as the missing component in their ministry strategy and began prayer-walking, the changes in the spiritual climate were profound.
Nothing is as important as sharing the good news of Jesus. Expand your missiology and be equipped to make disciples who make disciples with these ideas and strategies.
generational blessingSpiritual AuthorityPrimesufferingfrom the presidentnovosupernaturalmovementsinspirationvideorelationships & familystaff storiesmission strategycultural transformationthe poordownloadprayer-walkingleadershippodcastcreativityfaith in lifeprimethe churchdiscovery bible studyministry impactresourcespersonal developmentspiritual formationprayerredemptioncallingnew groundliving on missionmissionary biographiesspiritual warfareworshipengaging cultureblessingPrayer
Topics: movementsprayer-walkingministry impactdiscovery bible studystaff storiesengaging culture
Once this team in western Colorado identified activating prayer as the missing component in their ministry strategy and began prayer-walking, the changes in the spiritual climate were profound.
Topics: faith in liferelationships & familyministry impactspiritual formation
What can heroism look like in a global pandemic?
Topics: mission strategyrelationships & familyministry impact
Relationships are crucial to effective, transformative, enduring ministry and mission—because the Kingdom of God multiplies along relational lines.
Topics: ministry impactleadership
In ministry, is faithfulness or fruitfulness most important? Or...can both be equally important?
Topics: prayermovementsministry impactstaff storiesPrime
What if God’s answer to the complexity of a city like Berlin was something radically simple?
Topics: prayerministry impactprime
Understanding the biblical concepts of being a priest and being a caretaker in the land can add a new layer of fervency and expectancy to your prayers.
Topics: leadershippersonal developmentministry impact
Without a multiplication mindset, your ministry impact may be far smaller than it could be. Here’s why.
Topics: creativitypersonal developmentministry impact
Creatively responding to challenges and being open to new strategies is essential if we hope to reach people with the good news.
Topics: novocallingministry impactmovementsnew ground
At Novo we are risk-takers, rising to new challenges, willing to lay our lives on the line for the cause of Christ. Bobby Booze speaks to this characteristic that defines our staff and our mission.
Topics: novoministry impactmovementsleadership
Novo staff are fire-starters, multiplying our impact by equipping, empowering, and collaborating with others. Doralicia Gonzales shares her perspective on how we work to spread the fire of gospel movement around the world.
Topics: videoministry impactfrom the president
Revelation 7 gives us God's final vision for disciples from every nation, tribe, tongue, and people. We endeavor to participate in that great story. Here's a video that gives just a glimpse of those disciples from every people coming together in worship.
Topics: videostaff storiesnew groundministry impact
Danny Aanderud describes two crucial questions he had to answer to discover God's why for his ministry in Oxford: 1) What is God already doing? 2) Who am I meant to partner with?