Growing the Harvest: Faithfulness and Fruitfulness

Growing the Harvest: Faithfulness and Fruitfulness

In ministry, is faithfulness or fruitfulness most important? Or...can both be equally important?


Honoring the Bride of Christ [Video]

Honoring the Bride of Christ [Video]

How can we intentionally bless the Church when facing the imperfections or the places we have been hurt? ChurchNEXT director Gary Mayes shows the way.


Are You Missing the Hero in Your Midst?

Are You Missing the Hero in Your Midst?

God often chooses the most unlikely people—the ones who say yes—and empowers them to change the world.


Developing a Multiplication Mindset: A Plan for Global Kingdom Impact

Developing a Multiplication Mindset: A Plan for Global Kingdom Impact

Without a multiplication mindset, your ministry impact may be far smaller than it could be. Here’s why.


We Are Fire-Starters

We Are Fire-Starters

Novo staff are fire-starters, multiplying our impact by equipping, empowering, and collaborating with others. Doralicia Gonzales shares her perspective on how we work to spread the fire of gospel movement around the world.


Where We Begin to Change the World: The Development of Love

Where We Begin to Change the World: The Development of Love

Mother Teresa left a powerful legacy of compassionate action. How did she bring so many into this work of love, and how can we follow her example?


Pioneers and Settlers: Understanding Sodalic and Modalic Expressions of Church

Pioneers and Settlers: Understanding Sodalic and Modalic Expressions of Church

Two structures of the Church are needed to fulfill the mission of God—sodalities and modalities. This Wild West analogy shows the unique purpose of each.


Finding Your Niche: 3 Types of Apostolic Ministry

Finding Your Niche: 3 Types of Apostolic Ministry

God designed apostolic people to overcome barriers and advance his mission, but not all apostles have the same call. Here are 3 biblical types we can identify.
