The Church Has Left the Building
What does it mean to be the Church, when the Church has left the building?
Nothing is as important as sharing the good news of Jesus. Expand your missiology and be equipped to make disciples who make disciples with these ideas and strategies.
generational blessingSpiritual AuthorityPrimesufferingfrom the presidentnovosupernaturalmovementsinspirationvideorelationships & familystaff storiesmission strategycultural transformationthe poordownloadprayer-walkingleadershippodcastcreativityfaith in lifeprimethe churchdiscovery bible studyministry impactresourcespersonal developmentspiritual formationprayerredemptioncallingnew groundliving on missionmissionary biographiesspiritual warfareworshipengaging cultureblessingPrayer
Topics: the churchliving on missioninspirationmission strategy
What does it mean to be the Church, when the Church has left the building?
Topics: leadershipinspiration
God often chooses the most unlikely people—the ones who say yes—and empowers them to change the world.
Topics: inspirationmovements
Dan Erickson captures Revelation 7 and the joyous future hope of the coming together of all nations in this vivid poem. Are you ready to worship the Lamb with a multitude from every nation, tribe, and tongue, enjoying God and enjoying the richness of all cultures joined in celebration?
Topics: missionary biographiesmovementsinspiration
William Carey’s story is a compelling demonstration of the power of vision and the calling of God.
Topics: missionary biographiesinspirationmovements
How did this African-American woman, born into slavery, uneducated and illiterate, make such a powerful impact on a culture that tried to keep her powerless? Here’s a bit of Sojourner Truth’s story.
Topics: new groundministry impactmovementsinspiration
Bobby Booze describes the current state of the world (i.e. 233 million people who are part of 'unengaged people groups' - entire cultures with no-one carrying the gospel to them) and what compels us into the mission of gospel movements.
Topics: movementsmissionary biographiesinspirationprayer
James O. Fraser is considered one of the most successful missionaries ever in East Asia, starting a movement that brought 80%–90% of an unreached people group to Jesus. How did it happen? How could it happen again?
Topics: from the presidentinspirationministry impactmovementsnew ground
The Kingdom of God is never fully present unless people are becoming followers of the King. That's what we are all about.
Topics: personal developmentinspirationfaith in life
I’ve been reflecting on the idea of vocation: the importance of doing something in your everyday that is life-giving to both you and your community.
Topics: spiritual formationpersonal developmentinspiration
In our non-stop lives, the act of contemplation is necessary to help us to ground ourselves and tune into God.
Topics: movementsstaff storiesthe poorinspiration
Mariah Nix reflects on how investing in the lives of people on the margins over time bears far more fruit than she could ever produce alone.
Topics: inspirationprayer
Commissioned to open our lives in the midst of brokenness, to be hope in the midst of injustice, to be a bridge in the midst of division, to love like Jesus.