Sent Out

Sent Out

Over the past several years, I have been convicted often by our "Church of Hopeful Waiting" stance—how we sit in our churches just hoping people will come to us on their own. We do need to pray and hope that the Lord will draw those to us who are truly seeking him; however, the likelihood is very small that this will result in them entering our local church services. 


A Kingdom of Priests

A Kingdom of Priests

What does the gospel we preach cause us to become? What does it mean that we become a Kingdom of priests?


My Hour Has Not Yet Come

My Hour Has Not Yet Come

There was a wedding at Cana. John says this is the first of Jesus’s signs (v. 11). I usually have found it puzzling that Jesus tells his mother that his time has not yet come and then changes around 180 gallons of water into the best of wines. “Woman, what does this have to do with me? My hour has not yet come.” There’s something in the interaction that we miss, I think, that doesn’t seem to be conveyed in the writing of the incident unless, maybe, we are more steeped in the story of Israel.


Broken Barriers

Broken Barriers

I remember vividly the first time Debbie and I encountered the Roma people. In 1987 we were part of a summer InterVarsity team serving a pastor in NE Hungary. Part of this pastor’s work included outreach among the Roma. Debbie had the opportunity to visit women in their homes, while I worked alongside them in construction projects.


The Gospel for All People

The Gospel for All People

And now we turn to our final focus. . . this good news of great joy is for All People. Imagine that—all people! Your friends, family, neighbors. Your enemies. The people you get along with and the people you can’t stand. People groups you’ve never heard of. People of every shape and size. All walks of life. The good news of great joy is for ALL people.


Mountaintop Joy

Mountaintop Joy

In January I had the chance to climb Mt. Kilimanjaro with a group of 12 Novo ministry partners to raise resources for Novo. I’d been on lots of figurative mountaintops but never a real one. In fact, I’d never been above 13,000 feet.


Shared Tears and Joys

Shared Tears and Joys

The asylum seekers’ journey is one filled with tears. Tears from leaving home, family, friends, and career; the life one has known. This pain is mixed with the hope of safety and a better life. We have recently opened our house and life to these tears and joys.   


Carrying the Presence

Carrying the Presence

I love how Jesus’s yet-to-be-born-self in this passage caused Elizabeth to be filled by the Holy Spirit and caused his cousin John to leap for joy in his mother’s womb. Mary, as she carried the Christ-child, also carried the physical presence of an overflowing joy that spilled out of her and spread as they entered a room.


The Oil of Joy

The Oil of Joy

Have you ever wondered what it felt like to be in the presence of Jesus? When he entered a room, how did the dynamics of the room change? What was it about his nature that caused people to be so attracted to him?


Strength and Joy in the Battles

Strength and Joy in the Battles

In 2023, we find ourselves in the middle of an abundance of hurt and pain. War, political upheaval, many lost and broken, and for some of us, so much loss these past few years. At times, it may seem as though we are fighting an uphill battle.


The Source of Joy

The Source of Joy

In the athletic world, my “pearl of great price” was to win a national championship. I sold my soul to achieve this goal. No sacrifice could get in the way of what I wanted to achieve. Whenever I won a match, I couldn’t contain my joy. But I never won enough to hold on to that joy. 


Joy In A Painful Irony

Joy In A Painful Irony

Thanks to an amazing mentor and friend of mine who is always on the lookout for free tools, I am now the proud owner of a larger bandsaw. This new little beauty only needed a little scrubbing, a new blade, and a small little safety device that would keep the blade from causing dangerous things to occur.
