The One Who Is in You Is Greater: Spiritual Authority and Praying for Healing [Podcast]

The One Who Is in You Is Greater: Spiritual Authority and Praying for Healing [Podcast]

What does it mean to have spiritual authority in Christ? Keith and Megan describe their journey to exercising authority and helping others find freedom in this engaging podcast.


Truth in the Inward Parts: What Happens in Inner Healing Prayer

Truth in the Inward Parts: What Happens in Inner Healing Prayer

Patty Metcalf introduces inner healing prayer, including some foundational truths, who it can help, and how God can heal our hearts through it.


Learning to Hear God's Voice: A Conversation, Part 3

Learning to Hear God's Voice: A Conversation, Part 3

Patty Metcalf and Myra Perrine finish their discussion of how to listen to God’s voice by talking through obstacles to hearing God and how to help others learn to listen.


Learning to Hear God’s Voice: A Conversation, Part 2

Learning to Hear God’s Voice: A Conversation, Part 2

In part 2 of their discussion on hearing God’s voice, Myra Perrine and Patty Metcalf describe the heart attitudes that help us listen.


Learning to Hear God’s Voice: A Conversation, Part 1

Learning to Hear God’s Voice: A Conversation, Part 1

Myra Perrine and Patty Metcalf had a conversation about how to hear the voice of God, and we made it into a podcast. Here is part 1 of 3 posts sharing their thoughts.


God Speaks: Developing Ears to Hear

Myra Perrine and Patty Metcalf talk about the value and process of hearing God's voice in this conversational podcast and share their favorite resources on the topic.
