Facing the Enemy

Facing the Enemy

I have faced the enemy and learned his name. His name is not risk, danger, or lack. It’s a life not lived.


Tips for Maintaining Sanity Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic

Tips for Maintaining Sanity Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic

COVID-19 has impacted our lives in many ways, not the least of which is substantial stress. These practical tips from our missionary care team provide a solid road-map of how to cope.


What the Early Church Can Teach Us About Pandemics

What the Early Church Can Teach Us About Pandemics

History is no stranger to pandemics and plagues, and intriguingly, the Church grew at remarkable rates during these times. What might God want to do through us—his Church—in light of the current global pandemic?


Searching for Signs: Living a Life That Is Attentive to the Spirit

Searching for Signs: Living a Life That Is Attentive to the Spirit

God’s given us many clues for sensing his presence and following his lead—if we will just pay attention.


Laughing in the Dark: Celebration as an Act of Defiance

Laughing in the Dark: Celebration as an Act of Defiance

Why celebrate in the midst of so much hardship and brokenness in the world? Because there’s something bigger going on…


Come and See: Discovering the Kingdom of God in Unexpected Places

Come and See: Discovering the Kingdom of God in Unexpected Places

“God sightings” is a spiritual practice that helps us notice God’s presence in the most challenging or unlikely places.


Finding the Thread of Your Calling

Finding the Thread of Your Calling

Amy Galloway reflects on how to find a sense of personal calling that is far deeper than a vocation and can last a lifetime.


Key Questions to Ask Yourself When Facing a Tough Decision

Key Questions to Ask Yourself When Facing a Tough Decision

How can you make a decision when there isn't an obvious best option? Staff Jill Randall shares a list of key questions that can help you gain clarity and see God's leading.


Entering the Inner Sanctuary: An Invitation to Contemplation

Entering the Inner Sanctuary: An Invitation to Contemplation

In winter the natural world illustrates an important principle—the need to slow down and pull back occasionally in order to thrive.


Don't Let This Dirty Word Define You: Seeing Disappointment Differently

Don't Let This Dirty Word Define You: Seeing Disappointment Differently

Is disappointment from the past keeping you stuck in neutral? Alice Collier shares how God invited her to change her perspective to one of hope instead.
