The One Who Is in You Is Greater: Spiritual Authority and Praying for Healing [Podcast]

The One Who Is in You Is Greater: Spiritual Authority and Praying for Healing [Podcast]

What does it mean to have spiritual authority in Christ? Keith and Megan describe their journey to exercising authority and helping others find freedom in this engaging podcast.


Blessing, Cursing, and Ethnic Identity, part 1: Unearthing Our Prejudices and Judgments

Blessing, Cursing, and Ethnic Identity, part 1: Unearthing Our Prejudices and Judgments

We carry life and death in our words of blessing and cursing, and one area that often suffers under the weight of our words is ethnic identity—our own, and that of others. In a world increasingly divided, how do we become Jesus’s agents of blessing and healing?


Prayer: The Sacred Dialogue

Prayer: The Sacred Dialogue

Years into her walk with Christ, Myra was surprised to discover that prayer could be more than a monologue where she talked to Jesus and expected him to listen; it could actually become a sacred dialogue where the two of them talked with each other.
