Out-Of-The-Box Obedience

“The seventy-two returned with joy, saying, ‘Lord, even the demons are subject to us in your name!’” –Luke 10:17

Just recently three leaders from our spiritual authority cohort (two moms and one young lady) felt the Lord leading them to go to the hospital to pray. They started with some priestly prayer outside the building and then felt led to go pray for people inside the hospital. 

This new hospital is state of the art with top notch security. When entering they honestly explained that they had no credentials, no background checks, and their only invitation was from God to go pray for people. After passing through two security checkpoints they were given clearance and hospital bracelets, and were directed to check-in with the chaplain. Their search for the chaplain led them to the cancer floor where, after further questioning from the nurses, they were directed to pray for a man who had just been diagnosed with terminal liver cancer. 

With a lot of faith and obedience these ladies prayed for and encouraged many. They never got kicked out. When I spoke with them that evening, as they sat in the hospital lobby looking for a few more assignments, they were filled with joy and laughter. 

Now, who were these seventy-two that Jesus sent out? And why did it seem like Jesus even stacked the cards against them earlier in the story saying things like “you can’t take that,” “don’t do that,” and “wipe the dust off your feet when you are rejected”? Yet, they obey, heal the sick, tell demons what to do, preach the Kingdom, and come back with joy! 

Have you ever stepped into an obedience assignment from the Lord that just seemed a little crazy? It involved risk and dependence on him, and you knew you were not in control of the outcomes. 

Pause, and think about that experience.

As you remembered, there’s a good chance you just smiled a little. 

Obedience leads to joy. 

I am a big fan of joy and we know Jesus cares deeply about our joy (John 15:11). Yet, my problem is that I can so easily fall into ruts of everyday obedience: taking care of the kids when I’m tired, working through conflict with a friend, responding graciously to a tough email, making space to hear from him in a busy week; you know, all the things we do as responsible followers of Jesus. Don’t get me wrong—these are all important and honor the Lord. 

But there are times in my life I just have to re-up my out-of-the- box obedience muscles. If not, I quit making space to hear God in the more radical, uncomfortable, outside my norm obedience assignments. This “everyday obedience rut” can lead me to apathy, lack of passion, and self-reliance. Even worse, selective hearing of God!

How is your joy meter doing? Do you need to re-up some out-of-the-box obedience muscles? 

Take a few minutes and invite the Lord into a memory from your past where you experienced real joy after you obeyed him in a more risky assignment. 

What were the feelings you had? Ask Jesus how he felt about it? 

Now, ask the Lord if there are any out-of-the-box obedience assignments he might want to give you today or this week. 

Then, go and do it. 

I would love to hear what he does and how he overflows your joy tank. 

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Deric Moen, his wife Amber, and three kids (Ava, Molly, and David) live in Escondido, CA. They have been with Novo since 2005 and have served in South Africa, Canada, and almost 10 years in Spain. Deric loves bringing the best out of people, coaching, mentoring, and seeing disciples multiplied. They lead Gospel Movement San Diego and serve with the Movement Incubator team.