Not Ashamed

Shame is a powerful tool of the enemy. Do you think of it this way?

Follow me for a minute.

What is the number one job of the enemy? To keep us from our driving purpose by distracting us with lies and intimidation. If I'm still thinking about "that thing" that I did or "that thing" that happened to me, I'm not thinking about the freedom I have in Christ through faith.

Shame tells me I have no right to share my life with others because of my mistakes. Shame tells me that I'm destined to mess it up again. Shame tells me that the righteousness of God isn't for me.

However, when we bring the fullness of ourselves into the presence of the Living God, all shame, fear, doubt, and hesitation are washed away. When Jesus meets us in the pain of our past, we are set free to let that go. Shame is no longer allowed to stick to us, and God's righteousness through the salvation of Christ is our foundation.

I bless you to bring your pain and past to Jesus. Take a moment right now to do this little prayer experiment.

Action Step & Prayer

Imagine a place in your life where you still feel shame. Declare, "Father, the blood of Jesus sets me free and covers my sin. Today I bring my past and my pain before you. In the name of Jesus, I command that all shame, fear, and doubt must leave my thoughts, my heart, and my presence. Thank you for the fullness of the power of your Holy Spirit that is at work within me. Set me free so your Spirit can witness who you are in my life. I am yours, Lord. Amen."

Daily declarations of truth help us overcome the broken places that constantly bubble up to the surface. When the Holy Spirit empowers us to live each day, our lives reflect Paul's life in Romans:

“For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile. For in the gospel the righteousness of God is revealed—a righteousness that is by faith from first to last, just as it is written: ‘The righteous will live by faith.’” –Romans: 1:16,17

Friends, let the shame of the past go so that you can proclaim what Paul has: "I am not ashamed of the gospel." When we are stuck in our brokenness, we do not feel the power of his righteousness. Today is a great day to live by faith through freedom so that those around us can see, hear, feel, and touch salvation through the witness of our lives in Christ.

He has risen, and he is our Redeemer.

Check out this podcast as it relates to shame and fear:

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Keith Peeler is the Lead Visionary of Everfree, a prophetic prayer ministry of freedom through inner healing and deliverance. He and his wife Megan lead this team and live in Wimberley, TX (outside of Austin). They have three children, Hope (22), Olivia (16), and Cole (14). Keith has been with Novo since 2010.