Joy in God’s Presence

When is it that you’re most aware of God’s presence in your life? 

Is it during an unexpected “life storm” when you find yourself vigorously leaning on Jesus? Or is it primarily when you sit quietly with Him, talking, listening, then writing the words He speaks to you in your journal (I like to use a red pen to write down His words to me!)? Or are you most aware of God’s nearness while reading your Bible on a mountaintop, or attending a city council meeting to speak against evil, or caring for a frail servant of the King who’s suffered unimaginable trauma? Maybe it’s a combination of these and more!? But whenever and wherever any of us experience the current of God’s Spirit stirring and drawing us near, we must stop and honor these prompts from the Divine. For only His Spirit can awaken our hunger, and woo us to His unseen realities.* 

Regardless of our posture or preferences, we all require, even crave, extended time in the Lord’s presence to be refilled and transformed. I think the Psalmist said it well: 

“I keep my eyes always on the Lord. With Him at my right hand, I will not be shaken. Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices; my body also will rest secure…. You make known to me the path of life; You fill me with joy in Your presence, with eternal pleasures at Your right hand” (Ps 16:8–11 NASB).

When the angels announced Jesus’s birth to the shepherds, I’m pretty sure they knew that the Father was wrapping His only Son in flesh—offering humankind the most joyous news ever announced. How astounding to be invited to know the Triune God and become His child forever—and in that process, we get to exchange all our sin for all of Christ’s righteousness! Yes, God sent a flesh-and-blood invitation for us to come live in His presence. And when we surrender and bow before Him (just as the shepherds did), we are changed, and the rhythms of His grace begin flowing freely in and through us… until all of life becomes the overflow of the everflow of God’s redeeming love.

So today, shall we respond to God’s invitation anew “to make a pilgrimage into His heart and life…. and fulfill God’s desire for us to live in His totally competent love”?** Shall we set apart intentional time to be with Him—agenda-free, eyes on Jesus—loving and adoring Him and letting the only One who can refresh us this day fill us with His joy?!


1. Which of these pictures captures your attention most readily? Ask the Lord what He might be wanting to express to you through this image. 

2. Find a moment to sit and listen to this song: “To Be In Your Presence,” by Marty Goetz. It might be helpful to close your eyes so you can more easily focus on the compelling message.

Listen Here

*For more information about how God has wired us to hear His voice, be refreshed by His Spirit, and have our passion stirred for God, see What’s Your God Language: Connecting with God through your Unique Spiritual Temperament (Tyndale, 2007).

** Dallas Willard, The Divine Conspiracy (Harper, 1996).


At the Helm, Danny Hahlbohm

Chief of the Medical Staff, Nathan Greene

Dance of Grace, Mark Keathley

Lost and Found, Greg Olsen

Van Ek-Fedde Crucifix

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Dr. Myra Perrine has a passion for intimacy with God. With a Doctorate in Spiritual Formation, she’s been teaching people how to know and love God for five decades. Myra has a Master’s Degree in Education and Counseling, and has been an adjunct professor at Azusa Pacific University, Simpson University, and Tozer Theological Seminary. Having worked with Novo since 1996, Myra has taught and trained leaders in over 45 countries. She worked initially with ChurchNext, then the Staff Development and Care Team (SentWell), and currently with Novo’s Prophetic Resource and Equipping/ Coaching Teams. Myra and her husband, Dan, live in Northern California with their two adopted families, six amazing grandkids, & three adorable pets. This February 12th is Myra’s 53rd spiritual birthday, the day she celebrates the beginning of her new life with Jesus!