"Hope in the Fire": A Free Prayer and Reflection Guide for 2020


Certain pine trees have hard, thick cones with a tough resin literally gluing the seeds safely inside. When fires come, the thick cone protects the seed, but the heat of the fire melts the resin of the cone, releasing the seeds into the earth so that new pine trees can spring up. While the forest may be burned, new life quickly grows in its place.

The year 2020 has been one of intense heat. Some have faced death literally, through sickness or loss of loved ones. Others have faced it figuratively, through losses of jobs, loss of community through isolation and lockdowns, loss of plans and dreams, loss of stability, and ongoing uncertainty. In the US the fires have come not only in the form of a global pandemic, but also in the form of racial unrest, a contentious election, wildfires, and other natural disasters. It’s been a hard year.

Have you felt the fire in 2020? I know I have. But what if God is still holding out the promise of life, even when the world is burning? What if, in God’s Kingdom, there is always reason for hope?

Novo staff have put together a 5-day prayer guide to help you reflect on all the challenges—and hidden blessings—of 2020. It’s designed to lead you into a sacred conversational space with God, where you can process the past year and move into 2021 with renewed hope in God.

You can download Hope in the Fire: A 5-Day Examen for 2020 free on our website.

–Megan Reynolds, Editor