Blessed Are You [Video]


During World Wide Conference, Mark Thrash led us in a time of blessing one another. But first he spoke words of blessing over us, blessings modeled after the Beatitudes. The Beatitudes, he told us, were not conditions for who could be blessed, but claims that even people in the most unfortunate situations were truly blessed because of God's presence and the nearness of his Kingdom.

May your spirit find life in this blessing, especially if you are facing challenging circumstances, and may you be inspired to speak God's blessing over those around you!

Blessed Are You...

As I was preparing for this, and re-reading Dallas Willard’s teaching on the Sermon on the Mount, Dallas reminded me that Jesus’ section on the Beatitudes—where he talks about those who are blessed—are not commands. He’s not telling us that in order to be blessed we must be poor in spirit. Or we must be in a constant state of mourning. Or we must be meek.

Instead, Jesus was giving everybody new Kingdom glasses. He was giving them examples from the crowd. He was saying, “I know in your culture, these people aren’t valued. But guess what? Because of my presence and the availability of the Kingdom, they are blessed.” Again, it wasn’t a to-do list or commands on how to be blessed. He was just demonstrating the Kingdom is available to all of us, and we are blessed because of that availability.

So as I was preparing, God prompted me to remind some of you that you are blessed—because you might have forgotten. Or you might not feel it. Or even worse, maybe our organizational culture, or the culture of another kingdom—not the Kingdom of God—has led you to believe you aren’t blessed.

Blessed are the underfunded, for there is only abundance in the Kingdom of heaven.

Blessed are those marriages who are struggling, for reconciliation and healing is the currency of the Kingdom of God.

Blessed are those whose season is shifting (maybe you’re moving back to your home country after a long obedience in the same direction, and you’re a little bit disoriented). Peace and clarity are just around the corner.

Blessed are you who have struggled with infertility, for the family of God surrounds you and your good Father is near.

Blessed are the unseen. Your Father says to you, “Well done, good and faithful servant.”

Blessed are the ones who are grinding and scraping trying to get your new ministry endeavor off the ground, and you’re just not seeing the results you want to see. The favor of heaven rests on you.

Blessed are those teams in inner turmoil. Peace, joy, and unity is promised to you.

Blessed are those who are questioning their calling. The Good Shepherd is longing to meet you in green pastures near quiet waters.

Blessed are those who struggle with addiction. Freedom and victory are the battle cries of this Kingdom.

And blessed are you who are weary and tired, for you will find rest for your souls.

Lord, thank you for the reminder that we are blessed because of your nearness, and because of the accessibility of your Kingdom.


Mark Thrash and his wife Jamie live in San Juan Capistrano, CA, with their three kids. In addition to thinking deeply about living out our faith and actively following Jesus in new ways, Mark heads up CRM’s Partner Development Team.